Recent Course Alterations

Greens: Verti-Cutting
During the last few weeks, the course team verti-cut all greens. Verti-cutting removes unwanted thatch (dead and decaying turf) building up in the surface.
Excessive thatch contributes to water logging of the surface, roots and promotes fungal infection.
After the verti-cutting process was completed, the greens were blown off before receiving a cut.
The team have been hard at work fixing selected bunker edges and mainly over-hangs.
The bunkers lose a considerable amount of sand every time we have high winds across the course with a lot of sand blown away from under the grass lip. The team have been trimming these areas back to a safe area along with moving sand back into the base of the bunkers.
This will be an ongoing process for the team.
Vegetation Work: Trees
In the recent weeks a considerable amount of vegetation works have been taking place across the course.
One area that was taken care of recently was this dead gum tree off to the left of the 18th tees.
The limbs were taken off and the trunk left to provide a continuous habitat for the native wildlife that thrives across the course.
There are many more opportunities for this work to take place across the course and will be something the team will be continuing to do moving forward.